Get Amiga Forever which comes with Amiga Kickstart ROM-files and ready-to-run Workbench environments. Neither do we allow requests of kickstart downloads in our forum!
Lemon Amiga only provides information about different Amiga kickstart versions, but we do not not offer them for download. To legally use the Amiga v3.0 ROM image with emulators, you must own the specific Amiga model. Extract the Kickstart ROM from your real Amiga using a tool like TransROM, GrabKick or any other Kickstart ROM grabber! The following Kickstart v3.0 images are available in TOSEC: 'One of the following system ROMs is required: - KS ROM v1.3 (A500,A1000,A2000) rev 34.5 (256k) - KS ROM v1.3 (A3000) rev 34.5 (256k) Check the System ROM Path in the Paths panel and click Rescan ROMs.' To manually select you ROM then: a.
Buy Cloanto's Amiga Forever package which comes with licensed ROMs Revision 39.106 (Commodore, 1992) is used by: It included support for the AGA chipset and a revised Amiga Early Startup Control (boot menu) for disabling/enabling caches. Kickstart 3.x was a big improvement from previous versions. Help Kickstart ROMs Kickstart ROM 3.0 Kickstart ROM v3.0